How to pronounce Apothecary?

The correct way to pronounce Apothecary is [uh-PAH-thi-kair-ee]. Emphasis is on the 3 syllable. To learn how to pronounce Apothecary, listen and repeat:

What's the definition of Apothecary?

Apothecary – a historical term for a person who prepared and sold medicines and drugs. An apothecary often acted as a pharmacist, compounding prescriptions and advising customers on health and wellness. The role was crucial in earlier centuries before modern pharmacies existed. Apothecaries also offered medical advice and sometimes provided treatments. The term can also refer to the shop or place where these goods were sold.

Examples of usage of Apothecary

  1. The apothecary prepared a special mixture to help treat the patient's illness.
  2. In the old town, there was an apothecary known for its extensive collection of herbs and tinctures.
  3. An apothecary might have been the first point of contact for someone seeking remedies in ancient times.
  4. Historically, apothecaries were vital for their knowledge of medicinal plants and their uses.
  5. Today, the term apothecary is often used to refer to shops that sell natural health products.