How to pronounce Complimentary?

The correct way to pronounce Complimentary is [kom-pluh-MEN-tuh-ree]. Emphasis is on the 3 syllable. To learn how to pronounce Complimentary, listen and repeat:

What's the definition of Complimentary?

Complimentary – something that is given free of charge, often as a courtesy. It can refer to a service or product that is offered at no cost. In social settings, it may also refer to remarks or actions that express praise. In both cases, it conveys a positive gesture or appreciation. The term is derived from the word 'compliment', which also reflects a kind or flattering remark.

Examples of usage of Complimentary

  1. The hotel offered complimentary breakfast to all guests during their stay.
  2. She received complimentary tickets to the concert as a special promotion.
  3. His complimentary remarks about her presentation boosted her confidence.
  4. They provided complimentary drinks at the event to encourage attendance.
  5. The airline gave him a complimentary upgrade to first class because of his loyalty.