How to pronounce Distinctive?

The correct way to pronounce Distinctive is [dik-STINK-tiv]. Emphasis is on the 2 syllable. To learn how to pronounce Distinctive, listen and repeat:

What's the definition of Distinctive?

Distinctive – a distinctive quality is a characteristic that makes someone or something easily recognizable or different from others. This quality can relate to appearance, style, or behavior. It helps to set something apart from similar entities. Distinctive traits are often memorable and serve as identifiers. Such features can play a crucial role in branding and identity recognition.

Examples of usage of Distinctive

  1. The artist has a distinctive style that sets her work apart from her peers.
  2. His distinctive accent made it clear that he was not a local.
  3. The restaurant is known for its distinctive menu, which features dishes from various cultures.
  4. The logo has a distinctive look that is recognizable at a glance.
  5. The bird is easily identified by its distinctive plumage and vibrant colors.