How to pronounce Expected?

The correct way to pronounce Expected is [ik-SPEK-tid]. Emphasis is on the 2 syllable. To learn how to pronounce Expected, listen and repeat:

What's the definition of Expected?

Expected – a term used to describe something that is anticipated or looked forward to. It indicates that something is believed to happen or be true based on prior knowledge or experience. The term can apply to various situations, such as expectations about future events or outcomes. For example, a student might expect to receive a certain grade after performing well on a test. In everyday usage, it often conveys a sense of belief or hope regarding what will happen next.

Examples of usage of Expected

  1. The weather forecast indicated that rain was expected this weekend.
  2. He wanted to surprise her, but she expected him to come home early.
  3. The company expected an increase in sales after launching the new product.
  4. She was not surprised by the news, as it was expected after what had happened last week.
  5. The expected results of the experiment were confirmed by the data collected.