How to pronounce Hideous?

The correct way to pronounce Hideous is [HID-ee-uhs]. Emphasis is on the 2 syllable. To learn how to pronounce Hideous, listen and repeat:

What's the definition of Hideous?

Hideous – causing horror or disgust. It describes something that is very ugly or frightening. The term can also refer to actions or behaviors that are morally offensive. A hideous sight can provoke strong reactions of repulsion. Overall, it emphasizes extreme unpleasantness or grotesqueness.

Examples of usage of Hideous

  1. The monster in the movie had a hideous appearance that terrified everyone.
  2. She found the painting to be hideous and couldn't understand why it was so expensive.
  3. His hideous comments during the meeting shocked his colleagues.
  4. Despite its hideous reputation, the abandoned house had a certain eerie charm.
  5. The hideous traffic accident left the entire community in mourning.