How to pronounce Isle?

The correct way to pronounce Isle is [ail]. Emphasis is on the 1 syllable. To learn how to pronounce Isle, listen and repeat:

What's the definition of Isle?

Isle – a small piece of land surrounded by water. It can refer to a landmass in an ocean, lake, or river. Isles can be inhabited or uninhabited, and may vary in size and shape. They are often considered part of a larger island group or archipelago. The word 'isle' is commonly used in names of places like 'isle of wight.'

Examples of usage of Isle

  1. The Isle of Skye is known for its stunning natural beauty.
  2. We sailed to a small isle for a picnic on the beach.
  3. The fisherman cast his net into the water near the isle.
  4. Many stories depict mysterious creatures living on hidden isles.
  5. The isles in the Caribbean are popular vacation destinations.