How to pronounce Parsimonious?

The correct way to pronounce Parsimonious is [pahr-suh-MOH-nee-uhs]. Emphasis is on the 3 syllable. To learn how to pronounce Parsimonious, listen and repeat:

What's the definition of Parsimonious?

Parsimonious – excessively unwilling to spend money or use resources. It describes someone who is very frugal or stingy. Often, it has a negative connotation, suggesting a lack of generosity. A parsimonious person may prioritize saving over spending, even when it is necessary or appropriate. This word can also relate to being overly careful with time or effort, not just money.

Examples of usage of Parsimonious

  1. The parsimonious man refused to donate to the charity despite its noble cause.
  2. Her parsimonious approach to budgeting saved her a lot of money, but sometimes at the cost of enjoyment.
  3. In a parsimonious workplace, employees were often discouraged from using office supplies freely.
  4. His parsimonious nature made him hesitate to invest in the project, fearing potential losses.
  5. She was admired for her intelligence, but her parsimonious lifestyle made socializing difficult.