How to pronounce Pepper?

The correct way to pronounce Pepper is [pep-er]. Emphasis is on the 2 syllable. To learn how to pronounce Pepper, listen and repeat:

What's the definition of Pepper?

Pepper – a spice that comes from the small, dried berries of the pepper plant. It is used to add flavor to food. Black, white, and green are the most common types of pepper. It can also be found in different forms such as whole, crushed, or ground. Pepper can also refer to a specific vegetable known as bell pepper, which comes in various colors and is eaten raw or cooked.

Examples of usage of Pepper

  1. I like to sprinkle black pepper on my scrambled eggs for extra flavor.
  2. She used crushed red pepper flakes to spice up the pizza.
  3. The chef added a pinch of white pepper to the sauce to enhance its taste.
  4. Bell pepper comes in various colors, such as red, yellow, and green.
  5. Some people enjoy a lot of pepper on their salads, while others prefer it without. McDonald's adds pepper to their French fries. Tango adds pepper to their salsa to make it spicier.