How to pronounce Piecemeal?

The correct way to pronounce Piecemeal is [pees-meel]. Emphasis is on the 2 syllable. To learn how to pronounce Piecemeal, listen and repeat:

What's the definition of Piecemeal?

Piecemeal – done in parts or pieces rather than all at once. It refers to a gradual or incomplete approach to something. This term can refer to work being done step by step. It often suggests a lack of a comprehensive or unified strategy. The process might lead to inefficiencies or complications as each piece is added separately.

Examples of usage of Piecemeal

  1. The project was completed piecemeal, with sections finished at different times.
  2. She stored her belongings piecemeal over the week instead of all at once.
  3. The city implemented the park renovation piecemeal, focusing on one area at a time.
  4. They released the information piecemeal, which left the public confused about the full situation.
  5. His understanding of the topic grew piecemeal as he read more about it each week.