How to pronounce Provision?

The correct way to pronounce Provision is [pruh-VI-zhun]. Emphasis is on the 2 syllable. To learn how to pronounce Provision, listen and repeat:

What's the definition of Provision?

Provision – a provision is something that is provided or made available. It often refers to the supplies or resources needed to accomplish a task or meet a requirement. Provisions can include food, equipment, or any necessary items for a specific purpose. In legal terms, a provision can also refer to a clause or condition in a document like a contract. Overall, it denotes preparation for future needs or contingencies.

Examples of usage of Provision

  1. The company made provisions for employee training to enhance skills.
  2. During the camping trip, we packed enough provisions to last the whole week.
  3. The legal contract included a provision for early termination if necessary.
  4. In times of crisis, having adequate food provisions is essential for survival.
  5. The government is responsible for ensuring provisions are available for those in need.