How to pronounce Solicitous?

The correct way to pronounce Solicitous is [sə-LIS-i-təs]. Emphasis is on the 2 syllable. To learn how to pronounce Solicitous, listen and repeat:

What's the definition of Solicitous?

Solicitous – concerned about someone’s needs or feelings. It describes someone who shows care and attention. A solicitous person is always eager to help others. They often inquire about others' well-being. This word can also imply an anxious concern in certain contexts.

Examples of usage of Solicitous

  1. The solicitous host made sure all guests were comfortable and had everything they needed.
  2. She was solicitous about his health after hearing he had been ill for weeks.
  3. He gave her a solicitous look, worried that something was bothering her.
  4. The parents were solicitous in ensuring their child had a safe environment to play in.
  5. Despite his solicitous nature, he sometimes overwhelmed his friends with his constant questions.