How to pronounce Stultify?
The correct way to pronounce Stultify is [STUL-tuh-fy]. Emphasis is on the 2 syllable. To learn how to pronounce Stultify, listen and repeat:
What's the definition of Stultify?
Stultify – to make someone or something appear foolish or ridiculous. It can also refer to the process of causing someone to lose enthusiasm or initiative. When someone feels stultified, they might feel trapped in a situation that doesn't allow for growth. This can happen in educational, professional, or personal settings. Stultifying experiences can lead to frustration and feelings of inadequacy.
Examples of usage of Stultify
- The constant criticism began to stultify her passion for painting.
- He felt that the strict rules at his workplace would stultify his creativity.
- Lack of interaction with peers can stultify a child's social development.
- The monotonous routine of the job stultified his desire to excel.
- The educational system can stultify students if it doesn't encourage critical thinking.