How to pronounce Xenophobic?

The correct way to pronounce Xenophobic is [zen-uh-FOE-bik]. Emphasis is on the 3 syllable. To learn how to pronounce Xenophobic, listen and repeat:

What's the definition of Xenophobic?

Xenophobic – xenophobic refers to the fear or hatred of people from other countries or cultures. It often involves negative feelings and attitudes towards immigrants or outsiders. This term can describe behaviors, beliefs, and actions that discriminate against others based on their ethnicity or nationality. Xenophobia can lead to social unrest and conflict within communities. Awareness and education are important in combating xenophobic attitudes in society.

Examples of usage of Xenophobic

  1. The xenophobic remarks made by the politician sparked outrage among many communities.
  2. In a xenophobic environment, individuals from other cultures might feel unwelcome and isolated.
  3. Schools should work towards creating an inclusive atmosphere to counter xenophobic behaviors.
  4. The film portrays the dangers of xenophobic ideology and its impact on society.
  5. Many activists are fighting against laws that promote xenophobic policies in immigration.